Thursday, June 25, 2020


Greetings from Ecuador!  

To start, many have wondered how things have been here in Ecuador during all this chaos.  Well, this has definitely been a year for the record books.  Back in October the whole country went on strike and shut down due to an abrupt decision by the president.  That strike really hit Ecuador hard economically.  The school had to do online schooling during that time.  For me, Spiritual Emphasis Week got cancelled as a result.  Fast forward to March, Covid-19 hits shutting down the country for 3 months.  Pretty much from March 16 through all of May only 1 person from each family could leave the house to buy groceries once a week.  We had a 2pm curfew, so I was in line to buy food at 6am on my one day to buy food.  Thankfully things have started opening up again here in Ecuador the last few weeks.  Curfew is now 9pm and we can drive 3x p/week.  For the kids and Carolina this time has been tough.  Obviously we had to do online schooling like the rest of the world, but they didn't leave the house for pretty much 3 months.  Sitting in front of a computer for most of the day was crazy.  The kids handled online schooling well, but really missed seeing their friends.  Carolina's work load doubled as a result, but like always, she handled everything like a champion!  Thankfully we have a nice yard and a basketball court here at the house, so we were able to get outside everyday.  We're probably one of the only families in all of Quito that has a big basketball court at their house.  We've definitely been blessed!  God is SO good!

I am thankful to say that we had all but 1 day of our Spiritual Emphasis Week in March before things hit with Covid-19 and everything shut down.  It was a powerful time.  The worship team from the South Bend area came again and it was amazing!  Our guest speakers from here in Quito brought powerful messages and God really moved in the hearts and lives of many students.  We had 3 days and closed it off with a worship night that had gotten cancelled due to the virus, but the students asked the principal if it could be a student sponsored event and they said yes.  It really moved me and the team that some of the students wanted to gather and worship the Lord even though school and everything else had been cancelled.  It was a beautiful and powerful night worshipping the Lord and a fitting way to end my time at AAI.  My prayer is that the seeds planted will bear great fruit and that the praise and worship released will resound in the hearts of every student and staff unto eternity!!!   Amen!  

Well, as I close up, this is our last Wilson Family Missions post.  As I shared back in December, we are transitioning back to South Bend, IN after 5 years of serving the Lord in Quito, Ecuador to take the senior pastor position at Radiant Church.  As I previously shared, this was a complete shock and surprise.  I came here thinking we would be in Ecuador forever, but as we all know, God's timetable and plans don't always turn out how we think.  These 5 years have been AMAZING in so many ways and I am grateful to the Lord for leading us here.  I have been challenged and have grown in ways I never would have had we not come here.  God is so faithful.  

In December I had some specific prayer requests and God has been answering them each step of the way.  So, I want to take a moment to brag on God.  
1.  Though we are saddened to leave Ecuador, a place we call home, God has placed in us an excitement and are so expectant for what God is going to do in this next chapter. 
2.  God has provided us a home, a home that is exceedingly and abundantly more than we ever thought or imagined.  We are close to my parents and the church and are SO excited and blessed!  

3.  We have been able to sell almost everything that we needed to sell.  The only thing left is the car, but God is going to provide a buyer willing and able to pay a good price.  (Please pray with us for the sale of our car.)  
4.  God provided a great shipping company and are shipping a container with many of our household items on June 30th.  Howard, the guy I'm working with, is a strong Christian and has become a close friend and brother.  We end up talking about Jesus every time we talk.  It's awesome!  Pray that the shipment ships and arrives safely and with no issues.  The shipment cost is $7,600 but thankfully $5,000 of it has been covered and we're believing for the rest.  The Lord is our provider!  
5.  We have flights back to the US on July 21.  Our first flights got cancelled, but thankfully they refunded us the money and we were able to buy new tickets.  Pray everything goes smoothly with our flights so we can get back to the US.  

Just a little bit of business that needs to be shared.  If you've been partnering with us financially and giving through Radiant Church, June is the last month to give through the church.  If you would still like to give to help us with the remaining costs of our transition back to the US, please make any checks out to Caleb Wilson and send it to my parents house.  Thank you!  

So, as we transition from our time here in Ecuador, I want to say a huge THANK YOU to everyone who has prayed for us and partnered with us financially during our time here!  You guys helped make it all possible.  Words could never express our gratitude, but we want you to know how much we love you and how grateful we are to you!!!  You share in and are a part of any and all fruit that has come to be and that will come to be from our time here.  I pray God's blessing and favor over you and your families all the days of your lives.  

Love always!

Caleb, Carolina, Joaquin & Milena

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