Wednesday, November 16, 2011

The Wilson Family Adventure

Dear Family & Friends,
We’re so excited to share with you our upcoming adventure we have before us this year.  It has been such a difficult, yet growing season in our lives these past few months.  Just this week we received word that we have been accepted to the Bible institute “IBRP” in Buenos Aires, Argentina starting this coming March.  There, we will both be studying bible classes.  I will be in 4th year since I already have a ministry degree & plan to get a master’s in worship leading as well; Carolina will be a first year Bible student since they require both spouses to study while at the institute.  We strongly believe God has opened these doors & is leading us in this direction for this next season of our lives.  From the moment I knew I would no longer be at the church, I began to dream about what God had for our future.  I felt strongly that the first step was for us to go the Apostle Paul did when he went to Asia Minor after his conversion.  I know God desires to reveal Himself to us in a greater way & to download something new into our hearts & lives.  So, why Argentina?  It’s simple, for us it’s not about the “schooling”’s about the environment.  We felt God calling us away & we wanted to be in a “spiritually hot environment” and Argentina definitely has that.  By the end of our time there, we really feel & believe God will have done a great work in us spiritually and that we will have a better idea of what He has for our future.  All I can definitively say, is that this is the first step He has called us to take. 

2012 will look something like this:  We leave December 31 to Quito, Ecuador for my sister-in-law’s wedding and will spend some time with Carolina’s family before heading to Argentina in March.  School begins March 19 and goes until November 30th, with a short break in July & August.  From there our plan is to return to Ecuador for Christmas before returning to South Bend. 

As we launch into this new chapter, we do so with great faith & expectation.  We know that this is not going to be easy & there’s much sacrifice involved (leaving our home, friends & family, country with no income, not to mention the uncertainties of life in another country).  We know that God has us in the palm of His hands, but we ask that you keep us in your prayers. 

A few specific areas you can pray for are A.) our stay in Ecuador and B.) our time in Argentina.  I sense two very different challenges for us while we are in these places.
A.) Ecuador: Spiritual attack & warfare!  We will be staying with Carolina’s parents.  Her family is going through a very difficult time due to the divorce of Carolina’s brother.  His wife had an affair & is being very ugly & nasty with the point of not allowing him to see his son for over 3 months.  It’s a very long story, but as you can imagine the environment is full of hurt, anger & is normal in any divorce situation.  Thus, we are entering into a spiritual war zone!  Our desire is to help calm the fire that rages, not add to it!  We are praying that we would carry the love, joy, peace and light of Christ into the home, but we need lots of prayer, protection & strength...especially for our children.  They are very vulnerable & sensitive to their environment & we don’t want the enemy to have any access into their little souls!  Also pray for our marriage.  Even when things are good, it’s a definite challenge to our marriage staying with family for that long a time.  Pray that Carolina & I will stay strongly connected to one another & the Lord. 
B.) Argentina: Venturing into the jungle!  A friend shared a dream the Lord gave her after asking, “Where is Caleb going & what is he going to do?”  The Lord said, “I’m taking him to the jungle and there he’s going to discover a new ivy.”  What a cool dream.  The jungle is full of life, full of new discovery & full of unknowns.  New things are literally discovered there every day, but the road to that discovery is not easy.  Things have to be cut away to navigate & find what you’re looking for.  Though we are thankfully not heading into a real jungle, I sense we are entering a spiritual jungle.  This time in Argentina will be a time of breaking, growing & new discovery!  Pray that God will give us the strength to endure & embrace the breaking, a deep desire to grow deeper in Him  & the patience to discover what He has for all of us.  

To close, we know the Lord is our provider & He will take care of our every need, but we also know that He uses people to help sow into the lives of others.  We would like to ask that you prayerfully consider sowing into our future financially.  The approximate cost of everything (travel, schooling, food, housing, etc) will cost us between $10K-12K for the 9 months in Argentina.  You all have sown into our lives in so many ways over the years and we are so appreciative for all the love & support you’ve given us.  Above all, we need & appreciate all your prayers, and if you feel led to give financially it will be an extra blessing.  We will miss you so much, but will carry you all in our hearts no matter where we go & no matter what we do. 

If you desire to give, you can do so by giving online to Southgate Church (click on "give online" on the homepage and specify that it's for us) or mail: 3717 S. Michigan St; South Bend, IN 46614

If you'd like to contact us, our emails are: &

Blessings to you all!


Caleb, Carolina, Joaquin & Milena