Thursday, October 3, 2019


Greetings from Quito, Ecuador.  I hope you all are doing amazing!!! 

We are over a month into the school year and things are going well.  The Lord has lead me into a new season that really started back in April.  He has really impressed on me, like never before, the importance of intercessory & warfare prayer.  He showed me that we cannot continue trying to address spiritual issues in a natural way.  Our strategies, planning and creativity are ineffective against the enemy because the enemy is waging war in the spiritual realms.  We must rise up and live in the spiritual realms if we really want to see transformation and revival.  Anything we do here in the natural must come from what takes place in the spiritual places.  Our continual prayers & worship are the weapons of our warfare to pull down strongholds.  The Lord has also shown me that our prayers and worship are like plowing the ground, preparing it for the seeds of the Gospel, the seeds of Truth, to be sown.  My personal prayer times, prayer with a few co-workers and friends, as well as our Wednesday morning Intercessory Prayer times have been powerful and we have great expectancy that the Lord is going to pierce the hearts of us all this year. 

With that said, please be in prayer for us this next week (Oct 7-10).  On Monday we begin SEW (Spiritual Emphasis Week) and we believe the Holy Spirit is going to do great things in the lives of every person (both the saved and unsaved).  Our theme is "Made For This", focusing on how we are created for relationship first and foremost with God, along with the need to forgive and find our identity in Christ.  Our prayer is that the truth spoken will be like arrows to the heart and soul of every person.  We know that all it takes is just ONE encounter with Holy Spirit for a life to be transformed.  That is our prayer and we know God is going to do great and mighty things next week.  Please be praying and interceding for God's kingdom to come and will to be done! 

On a personal note, the family is doing really well.  Joaquin and Milena are doing great in school.  Joaquin has made the transition from Elementary to Middle School seamlessly and really likes the change.  He is walking strong with Jesus and wants to be a light to his friends & classmates.  Milena is still loving being a little girl.  She is so precious and just seems to really love life.  She's in 3rd grade and doing very well.  Carolina is having a much better year so far.  She was able to get Department Head taken off of her load and she is not coaching volleyball, so things are much better for her this year.  Simply, we are really enjoying our time together as a family and we're expectant for God to do great things over this next year.   Please be praying for us as we seek God's face for the future.  There are some transitions coming and we need God's guidance and wisdom as we prepare for what's ahead. 

Thank you all for your love, support and partnership with us in ministry.  We are so grateful!  We love you all and pray God's blessings over you and your families. 

In Him,

Caleb, Carolina, Joaquin & Milena