Monday, December 19, 2016


Merry Christmas everyone!  Praying for an incredible time with family and friends as we all fix our eyes on Jesus, the true reason for celebrating Christmas!  May the Lord richly bless each and every one of you!

It’s been a few months since our last update, so I wanted to take some time to fill you in on what’s been going on for us here in Ecuador and how you can pray for us moving forward. 

In October we had our Spiritual Emphasis Week, with my good friend Sebastian Mora from Chile.  God really showed up powerfully way in many different ways. 
1.     All the places we usually use for our SEW’s were unavailable, so the idea came up to get a big tent.  The vision the Lord placed on my heart this year was to “create environments to help staff and students experience & encounter God’s presence!”  So, the tent idea seemed like a great fit to that vision, only the school didn’t have the money to rent anything, which meant I had to raise the money.  As I explored the possibilities, I discovered it was not going to be cheap.  Some quotes were $3-4K for the week, but thankfully we found someone who would do it for  $1,500 and because of the support of many people and 2 churches in particular, we were able to cover the whole thing!  GOD IS SO GOOD & FAITHFUL! 
2.     My friend Sebastian was able to come and God used him in many ways.  It was exciting to see the progression from day 1 to day 4 of SEW.  There was a continual increase of the presence of the Holy Spirit and many students had a powerful encounter with Him.  Many signed up wanting to be discipled and go deeper with God.  What an amazing week.  Here is the link to watch the SEW Highlight Video!

In November I began meeting with students who wanted to be discipled.  It’s been difficult because students forget to come or others have backed out of wanting to meet.  Sometimes it is difficult for us to come back from a powerful encounter with God because we think everything will just happen on its own, which does not happen.  It can be very easy to settle back into “normal day-to-day life”.  I’m glad to say though that I have around 12 high school students who meet with me every Monday during lunch, but only 1 in middle school.  I’m praying and believing for good things to happen in our times together.   

December has been pretty chill here at the school as we enter into Christmas break.  My parents are here now and it is such a blessing to us as a family.  They have gotten the opportunity to meet many of our friends here in Ecuador and experience some of the programs the kids are in.  Praying for a wonderful Christmas with them and all of Carolina’s family. 

Prayer Requests:
-       Please be praying for me, my family, our students and our staff to not settle, but to press into the deeper things of God. 
-       Please pray for Carolina and I as we pray about our future here at AAI.  We have 1 more year on our contract here at the school.  I see us being here in Ecuador for years to come, but we are not sure how long the Lord wants us here at AAI.  God has placed many things on my heart for ministry and we just want to discern His timing. 
-       Please pray for us to have great faith and no fear so we can step into whatever it is God has for us moving forward.  
-       Please pray for the salvation of our family members here in Ecuador. 

Thank you for your love, prayer support and financial support enabling us to serve the Lord here in Ecuador.  God is moving, but I’m hungry and expectant for so much more!   We love you all!

Caleb, Carolina, Joaquin & Milena

Friday, October 7, 2016

Wilson Family Missions- October Update

Greetings from Ecuador! 

Well, we have completed our first month back in school here in Ecuador.  There have been many changes for everyone this year and it is taking some time to get accustomed to all the adjustments, but we’re getting there.  Schedule changes, class schedules, new government requirements, etc are all issues we’ve had to face.  The school has taken a hit financially as well, which has made the transition even harder, but God is faithful and He will see us through. 

As many of you already know, I have transitioned into the role of “chaplain” (or in my words, “campus pastor”) here at the school and I am so grateful to have this opportunity.  Carolina has been promoted to Spanish Department Head, though this has put a lot of extra work & stress on her.  But as always, she presses through and does an AMAZING job!  I’m so proud of her.  The kids are doing well and are enjoying their new classes/teachers as well. 

One of the things I’m particularly excited about is the opportunity I’ve been given to take the student worship band to the next level.  One of the new government requirements I mentioned deals with Service Projects (required to graduate).  The worship band has been approved as our Service Project, which means we will not only be leading worship in school, but also out in the community.  This is amazing and I’m excited to see what God has in store.  Please be praying for us.

We have had 2 student chapel services thus far and I felt lead to talk with them about “living a life of expectancy with God” and “Biblical Faith” as we enter into this year.   As expected, hearts are cold & desire for God seems minimal.  Honestly, this season really feels like a time of plowing the soil, but I’m really expectant for a powerful move of God this year as we faithfully plant and water. 

In 2 weeks (Oct 17-21) we have our Spiritual Emphasis Week and I’m so excited because I have my friend Sebastian Mora coming from Chile to speak to them.  If you don’t know Sebastian, he is one of my closest friends that I met while living in Argentina back in 2012.  He is an anointed man of God and I’m praying & believing for a great move of the Holy Spirit in the lives of staff & students.  If you could all please join me in prayer now through that week I’d really appreciate it. 

In regards to Spiritual Emphasis Week, I have an urgent request.  I am in need of renting a large tent to hold all our services for SEW!  All the places we’ve used in the past that can hold the number of students we have were unavailable and our chapel is just too small for everyone.  The cheapest quote I have found to rent is around $1,200 (tent & chairs) and I have no budget because of the financial situation here at the school.  SEW is coming up quickly and I want to ask if you would prayerfully consider sewing financially into it.  Many of you are so faithful into sewing into us as a family, enabling us to serve the Lord here in Ecuador.  This is just another opportunity to help sew the seeds of the gospel to the students here at AAI.  If this is something that you would like to partner with us in, please let me know and send your gift to Radiant Church.  I will need to order the tent by Friday, so please let me know ASAP.  Your partnership is so greatly appreciated!

As always, THANK YOU for all your love, prayer and support to us as a family.   We love you!

Lord bless,

Caleb, Carolina, Joaquin & Milena

Wilson Family Missions

Thursday, April 7, 2016

Wilson Family Missions April Update

Hola from Quito, Ecuador.  First, I want to apologize for not having written for some time.  Things have been going great here, but we've been very busy and tired and simply have not taken the time to write.  I will do my best to keep this short and sweet, while filling you in on the past few months.


In December, we had an incredible time with my parents who came to visit us for 2 weeks.  It was such a blessing having them come visit and a real necessity for us as a family.  We had such a wonderful Christmas and time to just relax and visit some fun places.  (see pics below)

Our family is doing well.  We are completely settled now and feel at home in our apartment and in Quito.  It's such a blessing from the Lord to be able to call Quito home.  We are also glad to say that we have finally found a great, vibrant, Spanish speaking, worshiping church called "Comunidad de Fe".  It was a long process, but we are really enjoying our time there.  The husband of an Ecuadorian that we work with here at AAI is one of the worship pastors and we have gotten connected with them.  We'll see what doors open up to join the worship team there.  I also want to let you all know that we will be home for about 6 weeks this summer (June 24-Aug 11).  We are so excited and look forward to reconnecting with you all.  Our plan is to have another Worship Night at the end of July like we did prior to leaving last year.  I will let you know exact dates in the near future. 

Ministry at AAI is going well.  I am enjoying this second semester and the connection with my students.  I have gotten some really neat feedback from some students and parents about their growth and how they've been challenged to grow deeper in Christ.  My Worship DNA group is going really well.  We have lead worship for multiple school venues (Elementary Chapel & Spiritual Emphasis Week; Monthly high school chapels & Spiritual Emphasis Week; Easter Assembly & Service; and will be leading the Spiritual Emphasis Week again here in May).  In addition to that, the AAI leadership has now given me 8th hour on Fridays to draw in and develop more students who would like to join the worship team.  I'm excited for the opportunity to invest in the lives of these students and pray God will open up more doors for ministry to and with these students.  Carolina is doing well in her classes.  She went through a difficult season, but has come through on the other side.  The kids are doing well.  They really enjoy school and life here, but they are VERY excited to see their Lito, Lita, Tia Leah, Baby Olivia and all their friends this Summer.  

Some extra details & prayer requests: 
We just had a worship night at our home a few weeks ago with 20+ people in attendance.  It was a wonderful night of worship and pray that it was just the beginning of greater things to come.  We need a fresh outpouring of Holy Spirit in our lives and in the lives of all at the school.  AAI is in great need for a spiritual breakthrough and I believe worship, prayer, hunger, surrender and unity will be keys to that breakthrough.  Please pray for us, our school (students & staff) and the nation of Ecuador.  Believing & expectant for great things ahead.

I have applied for the head high school chaplaincy position for next year.  I have really felt the Lord leading me to pursue this position and am really excited about the possibility, but want the Lord's will to be done overall.  I've had some great conversations with the director of Spiritual Life, but please be in prayer that the Lord's will be done in this.

We have started a marriage group with another couple in our home.  There are 5 couples all together and it has been really great.  We meet every Wed, have dinner together and are doing "The Art of Marriage" study.  Everyone seems to be really enjoying it.  Pray that God will continue to challenge us and grow us in our marriages!

Please be in prayer for us as a family, especially Carolina and I.  With the transition and all the other things, it's been hard to connect on a deeper level.  We've looked back and we have not had a vacation together, just she and I, for over 5 years.  That's never good.  We are really wanting to get away soon together and are planning some time away when we get home this Summer as well, but we really need your prayers & intercession.  Things are good overall, but we're not happy with "good", we want God's best for our marriage (spiritually, emotionally, relationally and physically).

Last but not least, our house is up for sale again.  The people who were renting suddenly bought a home and have moved out.  We are now having to pay for our mortgage and bills again which is a financial burden, but God is bigger and He is our provider.  Please pray for the quick sale of our home and a great price.  (If you know of anyone looking to buy or rent, please let us know) 

Thank you again for all your love and support (prayer & financial).  Without the Lord and you all in our corner, we would not be able to be here.  May the Lord richly bless each and every one of you!  We love you all!!!

Caleb, Carolina, Joaquin & Milena